Our current constant argument is around all things adulting! It seems to shift for us, when we first moved in, it was around all things household and I found it hard as I lived alone for so long!

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Booo adulting is the worst, I wish you both all the best working through it 😄 xx

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Id say over the past year our most common argument is about what last name we will take in marriage. I use my last name more (as a teacher!) but he sees it more traditionally than I do...

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I've always thought that I will change my name personally but keep it my maiden name professionally. How would that work as a compromise?

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We had constant arguments about tidiness/ cleanliness. Had. We broke up because we couldn't resolve this amongst other issues. 😅

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This is why moving in together is such a shock!

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My reoccurring theme is more connection. I get frustrated when he wants to spend all day in front of the telly and I want to do something. I’ve solved this by realising I don’t need to rely on only him to meet my need of connection. Instead I reach out to friends and go out for a meal with them.

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That's such a great way to meet your needs!

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The relationship ended but mine was about time and feeling like a priority. Looking back it’s helped me to realise that if I have an expectation of how I want to be treated and if after discussing it, its not resolved or keeps happening I will wish them the best and move on. I don’t believe they were a bad person or anything but we definitely weren’t on the same page.

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I also need to feel like a priority and accept that not everyone needs it but know that I do!

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The guy I'm seeing is an introvert and once in a while he needs some time for himself. During that time I don't hear from him for a couple of days. He explained that this doesn't mean that he doesn't care about me. That taking care of his mental well-being helps him be the best version of himself when he's with me. And he's caring and attentive when we're together or even over texts. But I can't overcome feeling kind of rejected when he takes time to be alone. Rationally I know he's not doing anything wrong or aiming to hurt me. But subconsciouslly I kinda feel like I'm not enough. How do I get out of my own head so it doesn't sabotage this relation?

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