I’ve just ordered one of the albums you linked immediately 😀 I am OBSESSED with photos and I do miss not putting prints in albums. I was known amongst my friends as the one with all the photo albums when we were teenagers. I loved getting them all out again when we all turned 40 a couple of years ago, to share with friends’ spouses and siblings who were making slide shows and coffee table books of all the old photos of them ❤️❤️❤️
I’ve just ordered one of the albums you linked immediately 😀 I am OBSESSED with photos and I do miss not putting prints in albums. I was known amongst my friends as the one with all the photo albums when we were teenagers. I loved getting them all out again when we all turned 40 a couple of years ago, to share with friends’ spouses and siblings who were making slide shows and coffee table books of all the old photos of them ❤️❤️❤️
It’s such a visual reminder that life is long, especially when my mum couldn’t remember people and I couldn’t understand how as a child
I always wrote names, locations and dates on the back of mine.
Oooh I want to do the photo album thing! Do you have a particular one you recommend?
I found scrapbook style took too long and actually took me months to complete. I am not tech savvy or visual enough to do the automated digital books (but my sister does!) and I personally like to be able to annotate the pictures because when I used to look at albums, I would forget who people were. This is the specific one I buy and I like the cover photo so you can see easier which year the album is: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/700950567/large-linen-traditional-bookbound?click_key=0345a4bbec605f12e8aaecfe4dd10d7cac3ac5e5%3A700950567&click_sum=9ea0116d&ref=shop_home_active_5&crt=1&sts=1