How do I take things less personally? Both in my professional and personal life I’ve been told to not take things so personally and not let things get to me as much, but I find this really difficult. Any tips for just letting stuff go more?
How do I take things less personally? Both in my professional and personal life I’ve been told to not take things so personally and not let things get to me as much, but I find this really difficult. Any tips for just letting stuff go more?
Do you believe you take things too personally? You are telling me that others tell you this but do you agree? The reason why I ask this is because this phrase is often used by people who are insensitive to the fact that their words have impact and often when I am told that I am taking things personally, it is because it is personal. It is the same people who believe that honesty has to be brutal. Things get to me too and I believe it's because I am a sensitive person but I stand fully behind that and am not going to apologise or change myself because my sensitivity is also why I'm empathetic, emotionally intelligent and compassionate. I will explain to people in my life that everyone has a different speed at which they process things and it's OK that I take longer to process things and what I am not going to do is pretend my feelings don't exit when they do. When it comes to work, if it is your work being critiqued, remind yourself that it is not you that is being critiqued. It's the difference between someone saying you did a rubbish presentation, and you being rubbish. A number of self soothing tools can be helpful like putting your hand on your heart, slowing your breathing and saying to yourself 'I am safe'. People who are more sensitive to criticism, tend to be people who were really criticised when younger and that's why I am so compassionate to myself about that because it is not my fault or your fault. We were not born this way, we were overly criticised and that's why we have become sensitive to it... which makes TOTAL SENSE. Validate how you feel and when you have a private moment, ask yourself 'what is this reminding me of'. Many times when we have a larger reaction than we expected, it's because it's coming from our past and therefore a current event is touching on an event from the past that is unhealed. Give yourself time to revisit that memory as the adult you are now and tell your inner child everything they needed to hear at the time.
How do I take things less personally? Both in my professional and personal life I’ve been told to not take things so personally and not let things get to me as much, but I find this really difficult. Any tips for just letting stuff go more?
Do you believe you take things too personally? You are telling me that others tell you this but do you agree? The reason why I ask this is because this phrase is often used by people who are insensitive to the fact that their words have impact and often when I am told that I am taking things personally, it is because it is personal. It is the same people who believe that honesty has to be brutal. Things get to me too and I believe it's because I am a sensitive person but I stand fully behind that and am not going to apologise or change myself because my sensitivity is also why I'm empathetic, emotionally intelligent and compassionate. I will explain to people in my life that everyone has a different speed at which they process things and it's OK that I take longer to process things and what I am not going to do is pretend my feelings don't exit when they do. When it comes to work, if it is your work being critiqued, remind yourself that it is not you that is being critiqued. It's the difference between someone saying you did a rubbish presentation, and you being rubbish. A number of self soothing tools can be helpful like putting your hand on your heart, slowing your breathing and saying to yourself 'I am safe'. People who are more sensitive to criticism, tend to be people who were really criticised when younger and that's why I am so compassionate to myself about that because it is not my fault or your fault. We were not born this way, we were overly criticised and that's why we have become sensitive to it... which makes TOTAL SENSE. Validate how you feel and when you have a private moment, ask yourself 'what is this reminding me of'. Many times when we have a larger reaction than we expected, it's because it's coming from our past and therefore a current event is touching on an event from the past that is unhealed. Give yourself time to revisit that memory as the adult you are now and tell your inner child everything they needed to hear at the time.