A present for my 100th article on Substack
To say thank you, I wanted to give you the first chapter of my latest adult book The Selfish Romantic completely for free
This is my 100th article on Substack! I can’t believe I’ve been on here so long! I wanted to say thank you and so here is the first chapter of my latest adult book! Out of all my books, this one holds my heart as it’s the only place I have shared intimate pieces of my relationship. Happy Reading! M xx
From the earliest age – especially as girls – we are told that we are not good enough unless someone loves us. We are told that if we are not coupled, it is because there is something wrong with us and we are unlovable. This persists into adulthood with innocent comments like “Why are you still single?” – the subtext being that not being paired off is our own personal failing. If we try to “fix the problem” and start dating, we will be bombarded with even more confusing advice that makes no sense: “You will find a rela- tionship when you are least looking for it!”, they will hark, and we are forever stuck between not looking too hard (in case we seem desperate) and not looking hard enough (so that we only have ourselves to blame for our singledom). Either way, it is our fault.
The dating advice out there just echoes this message. We are told to change ourselves in order to be more palatable and attractive, particularly to men. We are told to lose weight, remove our body hair and strive to appear as close to the cur- rent beauty ideal as possible. It’s not just our looks, though. We are supposed to keep our needs small, for fear of being called “needy”; to bury our true emotions, for fear of being called “emotional”; and to make no requests of our own, for fear of being branded “high maintenance”. When you speak directly, you will be dubbed “rude” – and if you have opin- ions, that’s “unladylike”. All of this makes you undateable. And if you don’t make dating your top priority, you are self- ish – because what if your parents want grandbabies? We actually haven’t come that far from the norm of dismissing any woman over the age of 25 as a spinster and telling women that their mission in life is to get wifed up and procreate.
It’s time for a new kind of dating book. Changing yourself in order to achieve an outcome (finding a life partner) is not only short-sighted but it is also manipulation. These books tell you that it’s fine when you drop the mask and go back to being your- self, because by then, your partner will be hooked. But what if you don’t want to trick someone into liking you and instead want to find someone who is actually compatible? There are people who aren’t intimidated by your needs, who will see your emotions as a strength, can meet your requests and are attracted to opinion- ated women. In order to find these people, though, you actually have to be honest. We get told things – like the “fact” that men hate loud women. They don’t. Some men hate loud women, and some men love them. But in order to meet someone who loves a loud woman, you need to keep being loud. If you continue pre- tending to be quiet when you aren’t, then of course you attract someone who confirms this lie. You don’t need to change your- self. You need to stop pretending to be who you are not.
If you’ve followed any of my career, you know that in every area of life, I have found a way to challenge all of society’s implicit messaging around the way I should be and how I should live my life. And yet, within my love life, I would readily accept what I was being told. In my last book, The Joy of Being Selfish, I took you on the journey of how I found my voice and learned how to set boundaries – and the area I found setting those boundaries the hardest was my love life. I believe we all could do with being a little more selfish. As I say within the pages of that book:
I believe in order to have self-love, it is necessary to be selfish. It requires you to reorder your priorities to ensure you come at the top of that list. The word ‘selfish’ holds a stigma in modern society because it is associ- ated with the idea that you have a disregard for other humans. But when you regard others more highly than yourself, the unfortunate consequence is often that you are completely forgotten. I think one of the most loving things you can do for the people around you is to take care of yourself. When you don’t, the people in your life often feel a responsibility to do that for you.
Conversely, when we are selfless, we do things like get mar- ried for the wrong reasons to make our parents proud, stay in relationships longer than we should rather than admitting we are unhappy, and put up with more bad behaviour than we deserve. By being selfless, we tell ourselves we are unimportant and everyone else comes first – even some fuckboy who can’t make time for you. Men have been acting selfishly for years. It’s why they plan a date when it’s convenient to them. It’s why they will text you at 2 a.m. rather than at a respectful time. If they can get the same result with less effort, why would they make more? It makes sense, and as soon as I got my own boundaries, I actually stopped getting annoyed about it. Of course they are going to organize their life in a way that is most convenient for them with the least effort. So why wasn’t I doing the same? Why wasn’t I saying no when it didn’t work for me?
Boundaries are how we teach the world to treat us. They are the line between who we are and who the world wants us to be. Being selfish doesn’t mean I won’t do things for other peo- ple – it means I no longer do things in exchange for someone’s favour or because it made their life more convenient. Bounda- ries are my way of saying no to doing anything at the expense of myself. If that makes me unlovable, undateable and selfish, so be it. Enter empowered dating: the revolutionary idea that it is possible to date without sacrificing your self-esteem, self-worth or happiness.
Dating is different when you look like me. I am mixed race, plus size, scarred, and I have a complex medical history. This is something that books about finding love seem to avoid talk- ing about. The intersections that individuals – with our vari- ous labels and identities – bring to our relationships mean we are all different. Yet most dating books treat us like a con- glomerate, with the only divide being the gender binary and, of course, the knee-jerk assumption that you are heteronor- mative. Whether it’s race, sexuality, disability, illness, gender identity or size, conversations around these topics in regards to dating never existed, and that silence confirmed my fear that I would be forever alone. It hurt even more because, at heart, I was a romantic. I wanted the fairy tale. But for me, dating was about navigating body shame, consent conversa- tions due to medical caveats, and confronting partners’ racist parents. While most of my friends could turn to a magazine for all the hints and tips they needed, at age 16, I was sitting on Google and looking up “how to tell a boy about my scars”. It came up with no results and unintentionally, I had confirmed my worst fear: that I was alone in facing this problem.
Considering this, it will come as no shock to admit that I was a “late bloomer” when it came to love. At a time when fit- ting in was paramount, I noticeably didn’t. I wasn’t thin like my friends, I was mixed race unlike most of my friends, and I was marked with surgery scars that resembled an incom- plete game of noughts and crosses. My medical issues left me with dilemmas that most kids my age hadn’t faced. When all my friends started getting crushes, kissing people for the first time, and wanting to discuss their latest boy drama, I remem- ber thinking there was something wrong with me. I found talking about boys mind-numbingly boring and the idea of actually interacting with a boy even more so. While my friends worried about how much tongue you should use when kissing someone, I was worrying about how the catheter scars on my thigh look like pee droplets. While they were debating whether it’s OK to kiss a boy that your friend has already got with, I was contemplating when exactly was the right time to tell some- one they can’t touch my neck because there is a tube in it that could break. My constant medical problems that resulted in 15 surgeries before the age of 19 were difficult enough to talk about to friends, but the idea of sharing that with a guy terri- fied me, so it was easier to avoid the situation completely.
It is no wonder, then, that the first relationship I ended up in was an emotionally abusive one. I let society convince me for too many years that because of what I looked like, I should just accept whoever wanted me – and that I didn’t have the right to ask for more, let alone have actual standards. I should accept what I was given, and if I was able to delude someone or trick them into being with me, it would only be because my personal- ity was able to compensate for my body. Standards, good treat- ment and, ultimately, romance were reserved for the people who fit the beauty ideal. Being fat, mixed race, chronically ill and scarred, that was certainly not me. No wonder every time I tried to date it made me feel like crap. I was treated like shit because I believed that was what I deserved. But how could I know what I wanted from a relationship if I didn’t even know what I wanted from life?
After my first relationship ended, I began a journey of being single that revolutionized the way I started thinking about dating. Being single is sold as the ultimate punishment for the destitute and unlovable, but I started seeing it as a gold mine for fun and opportunity instead. I realized that I had been using dating as a plaster to stop feeling bad about myself. Its main purpose was to fill the void in me that screamed that I wasn’t good enough. So for the first time in my life, I decided to be consciously single – and I was going to stay that way until I sorted myself out. I was a mess in every way, from not knowing what job I wanted to do to my mental health, and the only decision I could make was that I didn’t want to add another person to that mess.
It would take three years until I felt the urge to date again. The moment came when I arrived home after completing my TEDx Talk. My life finally felt fulfilling and satisfying, so to notice something was missing took me off guard. I had spent the majority of those last three years working on myself and I had found satisfaction in a life without dating. So returning to an empty house with this pang of wanting another human surprised me. By taking the pressure off dating and learning to fulfil my own needs, I could recognize the true value of dating – not because I needed it or there was an absence in my life, but because I wanted it and it would make a great addition to my life. I now had the confidence, the boundaries, and the self-esteem to be dating from a place of valuing myself. I don’t know what I was expecting when I had my first foray into the world of dating, but it wasn’t anything like I remembered.
It all started with an innocent question that I was asked one Tuesday: “If you could slide into the DMs of any guy, who would it be?” I was on a photo shoot and two of my friends had booked the same job. As we were chatting in the make-up chairs, I mentioned how I was having this craving to start dat- ing again. They’d asked this question and, long after we had left the photo shoot, it lingered in my mind. I kept thinking about one person whom I had briefly dated a couple of years ago who was, simply put, the best sex I’d ever had. It had ended with him ghosting, but I had always wished there was just one more night. So, with a lot of encouragement and the vague threat of them signing in to my Instagram account and doing it for me, I added him on Instagram and sent him a DM: “Hey stranger! How’s things? xx”. He added me back two minutes later and within three hours he was at mine, having driven two hours from Windsor, bailing on his own party to come over.
Up until this moment, the world had told me if I ever found anyone to like me, it would be for my personality – that only people who fit the beauty ideal could pull moves like this. But it had all been a lie. Yes, he just wanted sex, but so did I, and I had gone after it with the same energy I would have if it had been a job. When he left, I kissed him goodbye at my door. He pressed the button of the elevator and then turned back with a nod and said, “You are definitely going down as the most confident girl I have ever met.” There was something about that statement that awoke something in me. The girl he had known two years before didn’t exist anymore. I wasn’t that person. Stood in her place was a boundaried woman who had her shit together, was living her dream life, and could bring so much to the table – in general, but also in love. It was an epiphany realizing I had been going after everything in my life with confidence, but never thought to apply it to love. This realization, frankly, pissed me off.
How many people were walking through the world con- vinced that they had to settle? How many people who were being treated like crap because they thought their looks, their size, their disability, their race or their scars limited their dating pool? How many people who exist outside of the beauty norm have to tolerate their “more conventionally attractive” partner being treated like a saint because, God forbid, they love some- one bigger than size 14? I had been lied to for years and I was on a mission to prove that I – as well as anyone else who wanted to – could date as much as the next person, and that what you look like is never a reason to deserve any less. I started acting as hot as I am, and it changed my world. What if you walked into a bar and actually assumed the people who you find attrac- tive would also find you attractive? What would happen if you didn’t limit yourself by seeing yourself as a bunch of labels, and instead saw yourself as a person who brought a lot to the table romantically? What would it be like to navigate dating with confidence? How fun would it be to be single without ques- tioning your lovability, to date without taking rejection per- sonally, and to have sex without hating your body?
The more I loved dating, the more it pissed me off that this message about how hard dating should be was everywhere, especially for people who look like me. I had always been a pri- vate person when it came to my love life; I never spoke about the people I dated and I never mentioned dates I went on. But after years of being on Instagram, I grew frustrated that any time you ever talked about anyone outside of the beauty norm, the only love stories we heard were negative ones. I started wondering why this was. Then it hit me one day, while I was talking on a panel for Oxford University. The problem wasn’t in the answers I was giving – it was in the questions I was being asked. Every question was about being racially fetishized and being body shamed. I couldn’t say the same of the queries directed at the thin people or the white people on the panel. It wasn’t the fact that I hadn’t had positive dating experiences, it was that, as a society, we only make space for the negative dating stories of marginalized people. I had multiple posi- tive stories I could share but, because that question was asked directly of me, it forced me to talk about one story from when I was 18, ignoring over a decade of experiences since. It didn’t matter that it was only one example out of years of dating, and it didn’t matter that the white people or thin people on the panel probably also had bad dating experiences, because that was never asked of them. Unconsciously, this is part of what builds the narrative that the only things waiting out there for marginalized people are abuse, rejection and hurt.
In a bid to counter this, I started sharing this mentality of confidence in dating and, in turn, coined it “empowered dating”. When I first started sharing it, people thought I was crazy, that I had this absurd confidence that wasn’t realistic for other people. In fact, some people even compared me to a fuckboy for the mere suggestion that a person who looks like me should keep swiping and not just stop at the first match. It was so shocking to them that I didn’t just take the first offer anyone gave me. Over time, the messages I received changed. They went from “This is crazy” to “OMG, it worked”: “Wow, I did that thing about changing your mentality before a first date and he just asked me out!”
Most of the dating advice out there is written by people who fit the beauty ideal. But when you walk through the world in a body like mine, dating is different – not worse, just different. We need books that cater to marginalized identities. There is irony in calling us “minorities”, as it implies there are few of us; there aren’t. In the UK, 20 per cent of people are disabled, roughly 15 per cent are people of colour and approximately 40 per cent of women are plus size – so the chance of you sit- ting in at least one minority is actually quite high. If you add it together, we are the majority. It is naive to think that our appearances don’t alter how we approach dating. So it’s impor- tant that dating books are written by a range of people with differing life experiences in order to truly encapsulate the inter- sections that affect our dating lives.
The world of dating has changed and, as much as we can try to resist these changes by scorning dating apps and holding on to “meet-cute” stories of bumping into people at the bus stop, these changes are happening, and they are happening quickly. There is an outdated idea of going to the people who have been in the longest relationship to get your love-life advice, but it doesn’t work like that. Love and dating are two distinct skill sets. Relationship advice and dating advice are different. It’s like cooking and baking. Some people might put them in the same category, but you can be good at one without being good at the other. It’s why every friendship group has a single friend who you really get all your love-life advice from. Those child- hood sweethearts who have been together since school might know how to make a relationship work, reignite sex once it gets dull, and how to fight without wounding each other too much, but they aren’t the people you go to when it comes to how to manage dating apps or ghosting and how exactly to reply to a nude.
Even if you turn to Instagram for much-needed advice, you will be equally disheartened. The love-life information that I see online is largely composed of opinions that are not backed up with any professional qualifications. This kind of advice leads to contradictory and overly simplistic solutions to com- plex problems. It’s a lot easier to say “Dump him!” than it is to say “You need to have a difficult conversation about how your boundaries are being crossed, set a consequence for that bound- ary, reinforce that boundary and if the behaviour is repeated, then end the relationship.” In fact, I actually wrote those words online today and was met with the following comments:
The world is on fire, ma’am, we don’t have time to give men second chances.
All I am hearing is, “Let’s ignore his crossing boundaries the first time.” Heal yourself, sister.
No, because sometimes the answer is to break up.
Our culture has lost the ability to have hard, complex or nuanced conversations. This is exactly the mentality that gave birth to ghosting, and it’s not helping any of us. It’s all too easy to yell “red flag” and run, without contemplating that this could be a way you are affirming your fear of intimacy. It’s simpler to believe that your “strong independent woman” mentality is empowering, rather than questioning whether this is leading to a hyper-independence that means you shame yourself whenever you ask for help. We need to be able to live in the contradictions and the grey. Dating is complicated, and com- plicated problems deserve nuanced answers, even if they can’t be dissected into a pithy and snappy viral Instagram quote. This book will not include absolutes on the right and wrong way to date because I am not a guru who holds all the wisdom. I’m not going to sell you on a lie that there is a formula to fall- ing in love. I am a life coach who has fucked up just as many times as you have and, through navigating my mistakes, has found a way to date without feeling bad about myself.
Throughout the book, I will use the term “relationship” frequently. In our love lives, relationships usually refer to the arbitrary point at which you both put a label on it, but my defi- nition of a relationship is very liberal as I have found no benefit in creating hierarchies depending on the length or seriousness of your encounters. I believe all experiences are legitimate and therefore they will all be treated under one category whether it’s a one-night stand or anything longer. If I am discussing being official, I will specify that. At the end of every chapter, I have included a “Take Action Toolkit”, because it’s important to me as a life coach that my advice is practical. A book can’t change your life – it’s what you do after reading the book that will do that, and these sections give you the opportunity to do so. Throughout the book, there are also numerous texts. These are real examples from my dating life. They are not designed to be perfect templates, but rather a jumping-off point to create your own. I have spent many hours constructing texts with friends and my own life coach, and my goal is to give you the language to create the change for yourself. It’s important that you make it personal to the situation and customize it to your own style of speaking. They are in the format of texts, but that is not to imply that all these conversations are appropriate over text. There are times you should be having these conversa- tions over the phone or in person.
This is not a book that will teach you how to get a rela- tionship, but it will teach you how to enjoy dating. It stops treating dating as a means to an end and recognizes it as a legitimate phase in life. It was not until I stood in my power and reclaimed my right to date that I realized I didn’t want to marry the first person I went on a date with. I didn’t want a perfect love life – I wanted a full one. I wanted to experience the diverse adventures that love could offer and the range of emotions that life can bring. I didn’t just want the positives. I wanted to risk my heart, potentially get hurt along the way and, most of all, not lose myself on the journey. Now, my hope is that I can share that with you. If you are miserable, thinking you are unlovable and that finding the perfect person is the solution to your problems, this book is for you. If you, like me, were a “late bloomer” and the mere idea of going on a date terrifies you, this book is for you. It’s for you if being single forever is still the worst threat that could ever exist. It’s not about whether being single, dating or in a relationship is the best option, it’s about accepting which phase you are in and making peace with it. And if you would like to do something about creating that peace, then you are in the right place.
Thank you for sharing~ Congrats on another book and it was truly lovely to read your words. I just checked and 'the joy of being selfish' is also available on audible in Italian! How does it feel?!